You will find many informations on this website. But the best way to start your project is to tell us about it. Email or phone, we'll be happy to assist you.Pick up the phone
If you need any specific information, the easiest way is to call us.
Our office in Corsica is open from Monday to Saturday, from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 6pm (CET). We employ some native British staff, but even the Frenchies can answer!
call +33 495 444 967 or +44 20 3239 4967
Drop us a line!
If you already have a precise idea of your holiday project, please send us a message with all relevant information. We will reply in a timely manner, usualy within 24 hours.
The personal data you provide is used to respond to requests, process orders or provide access to specific information. You have the right to modify and delete all personal data.

All our contacts
Borgo, Corsica, France:
Europe Active
673 avenue de Borgo
20290 Borgo
Tél. : +33 495 444 967
WhatsApp: +33 623 546 268